Hey, y’all, it is Hunter here! In today’s video on Instagram, we talked very briefly about some ideas for easy combos for newer players! We had a few of our staff call out combos that can be easily achievable with just a few casual cards. Except for Phil’s, which is a little more in-depth. But nonetheless, we will be going over the combos we said in the video here! ENJOY!
First off was Freeman with his combo, Cultivator Colossus and Abundance.
For this combo, you will need to have Cultivator Colossus in hand and a land in hand. Abundance needs to be on the field. You need 4 generic and three green mana open to cast the Colossus.
The combo is, cast Cultivator Colossus. It ETBs, putting a land card from your hand onto the field tapped, then with abundance choose land revealing cards from the top of your library until you reveal a land card, putting it in your hand and the rest of the revealed cards on the bottom of your library in any order. Repeat this process, putting a land card from your hand onto the battlefield tapped. Repeat as many times as needed to get all lands out of your library and onto the field.
The result is, that your library is now ordered how you would like and you have put all land cards from your hand and library onto the battlefield.
Other helpful cards for this combo would be Amulet of Vigor, untapping all the lands coming in tapped. Craterhoof Behemoth, so when you cast the giant creatures you can pump them and swing big and some sort of HASTE enabler.
While this doesn’t automatically win you the game it does give you the most advantage in getting all your lands to the field. This will help you in casting everything you need to throughout the rest of the game. If there is a rest of the gamebecause at this point in the game if your combo is going off you should have another way to win, like just beating face with the creatures you can cast from hand or pumped-up ones with landfall triggers.
Some good Commanders or cards to include for this combo would be ANYTHING WITH LANDFALL. You will get EVERY SINGLE landfall trigger you could ever want with this combo.
While this is a good combo, like I said it doesn't instantly win you the game, it fully ramps you out, and you are left to cast the rest of your deck in the order you would like, so stacking the top of you deck with a win con would be the best scenario if you are using this combo in your deck!
Our next combo is a MAGECRAFT combo. Chain of Smog with Professor Onyx. I played this as my oathbreaker combo for a while and it was really fun and oftentimes really fast, especially if I was able to get K’rrik out. Here is the Oathbreaker list I was playing plus a few cards I was considering. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/h9uvg_uh4kK84J9UeLRGUA
For this Combo, Professor Onyx must be on the battlefield and Chain of Smog must be in hand. You will need 1 generic and 1 black mana open to cast Chain of Smog.
The combo is cast Chain of Smog, targeting yourself. Professor Onyx will trigger, causing each opponent to lose 2 life and you will gain 2 life. Resolve Chain of Smog, discarding two cards (if possible) then copy the spell without choosing new targets. Repeat until your opponent is dead and you have all the life.
The results are infinite life gain, infinite life loss, and infinite magecraft triggers.
While this one does win you the game, it is a very niche one. It is super fun to throw into a deck that is mono-black andplays K’rrik or anything that helps lessen the cost of Prof. Onyx.
Another Mono-Black combo mentioned and probably the most popular one among newer players is Sanguine Bond and Exquisite Blood.
For this combo, you will need to have both Sanguine Bond and Exquisite Blood on the field. You will also need a way to gain life or cause an opponent to lose life.
The combo is, gain life. Sanguine bond triggers, causing the target opponent to lose life equal to the amount you just gained. Exquisite Blood Triggers, gaining you life equal to the amount of life the opponent just lost. Repeat.
This results in infinite life gain and infinite life loss.
This combo is one of the more popular ones as it has a lot of flavor with vampires. It goes great in Mono- Black decks but in some other color combos, it is really easy to trigger it in are, Rakdos, Orzhov, and Mardu.
The last Combo that was mentioned was Phil’s. His is a little bit more Dramatic, if you will than these other two card combos. I would say this would be maybe the next step into the combo game.
For this combo, dramatic reversal must be exiled by Isochron scepter. Isochron Scepter must be on the field. You will need NONLAND permanents that you can tap to produce at least 3 generic mana. Activate all mana-producing nonland permanents you control by tapping them, adding at least 3 generic mana. Activate Isochron Scepter by paying 2 generic mana and tapping it, casting a copy of Dramatic Reversal without paying its mana cost. Resolve Dramatic Reversal, untapping all nonland permanents you control. Repeat. The result is infinite magecraft triggers. Infinite mana nonland permanents you control can produce. Infinite storm count. Infinite untap of nonland permanents you control.
There are SO many more combos out there to be included in SO many more blog posts and videos. These are just some of the ones we were able to think of off the top of our heads! Let us know some of your favorites, two or three-card combos for beginner players who maybe want to spice up their deck a bit! Head over to our Instagram to check out the video!